Saturday, September 22, 2007

Secret squirrel strategies for winning

Jackie's and I have an all time favorite....we must clack racquets..even when they make the good shot.
Use your frame as much as you provides much harder (crazy) shots to return.
Cheering from the crowd...even/especially when we make bad shots.
I learned this week that havng a partner that hits the opponent at least 10 times helps.
Voodoo is helpful....everyone bring your lucky charm.
When your opponent makes a really good serve....keep telling them how great is was...the pressure will be so great they wont be able to do it again.
I MUST hold ALL of the balls when serving.
I change the opponents scores but never my own. (Don't ask-I dont know why)
Rubbing your cookies on the net only improves your chance of winning.
Don't let the other team see you sweat(frustration)
Another one of our favorites...just because the other opponents seem like they are in shape does not mean they are going to win against us Clydesdales!
Our number one strategy is to walk out onto the court with a mountain dew and cigarrette complaining about the heat...Laugh..they think they have us beat everytime.

Feel free to add your own secret strategies. Just click on the comment button below.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


“Never use a hatchet to remove a fly from your friend’s forehead.”

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tennis website for singles

Courtmetennis has a special promotion to introduce their new dating league. Sign up for a trial offer absolutely free. You will be matched with 5 other tennis players in your area for a fun night of tennis and socializing. It is a great way to meet new people and possibly meet that special someone. So grab those racquets and join the fun!

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Table was Set

The tennis table looked wonderful this week. A special shout out to Piper for adding her pretty little table cloth holders. Cute idea. Unfortunately I didnt get to partake in the food because OF COURSE I PLAYED 3 SETS! However, I heard that the kids treasure chest was a hugh hit! Thanks Christine!

I also didnt get to see much of anyone's game because I was playing in the dungeon due to a swarm of bees on court 3. I was lucky enough to see Casey and Linda play. Wow! They have really formed a solid team. I kept admiring Casey's grace and Linda's hard forehand.

In a recap of our match, all I can say is that I was totally annoyed during the entire first set. I can not, repeat, can not play moon ball tennis players and I was mad at myself. The 2nd set looked pretty doomed as we were down 1-4 and then suddenly it occured to have to play their game to beat them. So I started lobbing all of their serves and Lori smashed their returns either at their feet or at their face. Laugh...she had no mercy. We made a run for it and finally won in a tiebreaker. I had my smoke with line 6 and she told Lori and I not to have pity on the sweet looking one because she kept smirking every time we made a mistake. Apparently that was all we needed to hear, because the opponent was hit at least 10 times by my partner and 3 times by me. They tried to change their strategy and go to an I formation which Lori promptly made them look silly for trying.

Alas, we overcame our rocky start and won. But the best part of the day was when we walked off the court, the opponents thought I was the "nice player". They even shook my hand. : ) Thanks Lori!