Sunday, October 7, 2007


The turtles are ready to rumble!!!(Jackie)

Five for Five!

I'm still trying to decide what what was the most exciting. A come back to win from 0-5 bad guys or the way Linda Howell jumped up and charged the old rude guy. For a split moment, I thought someone was stealing the holy cow cake! Then Mary and JR rushed past and I am completely flipping. There was a fight brewing and HEY! I'm not even involved. Our sweet little captain is giving the rude dude the what for. Then it is over as quickly as it started and the ladies are playing again. I am amazed at their determination and mental discipline as the play resumes. We are cheering, they are cheering. I am smoking and Jackie is smoking. They are scoring and we are scoring. They are cheering but we are cheering more and scoring more and finally success!

Congratulations line five for bringing five home today!

And a special shout out to JR for talking me down off the ledge of my temper and for being our hero. Laugh..I later told Warren......I was wondering how many of us it was going to take to take JR down if he started wailing on the rude dude?

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