Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"God don't like ugly!"

Ok. I have heard some pretty strange things on the tennis courts. Yes, I've even said some pretty strange things. But this comment took the prize, especially in the context it was said. Jackie and I were playing a T2 match at Collins Hill. The play had been very close but an all around fun match. 6-4, 4-6 and then we were in a tiebreaker for the 3rd set. The bad guys were down in the tie breaker when I hit a pretty hard shot toward my opponent's alley. I must interject here...I had been hitting some great alley shots on this particular day. Anyhooo, the ball hit the net with a pretty loud pop and landed on my side when suddenly my opponent burst out with "God don't like ugly?" This comment was coming from a woman wearing red contacts ! At first, I thought she was saying it in fun because we had been going back and forth with witty comments. After realizing that she was not in jest, I, on my high horse, said, " Excuse me?". She repeated "God don't like ugly and you were trying to hit me". My only retort was,"I'm just trying to win this match and it is kind of hard against bad line calls and people refusing to admit to double bounces." To which she indignitely replied," I never make bad line calls." I think my partner may have said something but the incredulous look on her face made me forget what she might have said. I told her, let's just shake it off and play. On the base line, I begged Jackie to tell her that if I had been trying to hit her...well, I would have hit her! Probably more than once. Unfortunately, I must have been ugly that day because we did not perservere and win.

As we were driving away, I heard through my open window.."God don't like ugly!!" and looked into my rear view mirror to see Jackie laughing hysterically in her car. In the recent days, we have had several laughs at Veronica's expense. Many of our friends have laughed at the story and I hope you will have found some humor in it too!

If you have had stranger comments on the tennis courts, please add them here. Also, feel free to enlighten us if you have had the pleasure of playing Veronica. Apparently she plays T2, KSwiss, ALTA and the League because she kept telling us that she was a solid 3.0 player. I guess that is why she is playing 2.5.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funniest quote I've heard on the court is "why are you naked?".

Funny thing I had no idea either.